Tuesday, June 24, 2008

1592 - Rise of the Fallen

2007 Abbey Productions

Straight out of Motor City come 1592 like a bomb. Heavy beats with an extremely groove oriented approach. Band members have been deeply involved in the immense music scene of Detroit for over 10 years. Their debut album has earned the "Favorite Album Released in 2007" at the Detroit Music Awards, and rightly so.

They call it "Detroit Rocksteady", and listening to it several times over I get it. Detroit, AKA Motown, is known for its unique sound, and 1592 draws heavily on those roots, fusing them with the traditional Jamaican sounds of Rocksteady and Reggae making for one wicked blend.

The 2nd track of the album called 1592 says it all, it's the sound of a smoky bustling city. The steady pounding drums, driving horns, and room filling bass are captivating from the get go. And over this heavyweight groove is the smoothed out keyboard work of Eric Abbey. Almost reminds me of The Drastics in a way. Vacant Lot rolls in soon after with an even heavier bass line and some steamy sax. Makes me think of those music videos with the sax man alone in the alley blowing the snot out of that thing! Some tasty guitar licks and this thing is hotter than hot cakes.

The title track Rise of the Fallen is definitley a stand out with its fiery guitar solos and that hypnotizing tapping of the cymbals. Again the sax man is on fire and the whole album follows suit minus one tune. In the middle of the album is Come Home With Me which takes a lighter change of pace and is kind of distracting to be honest.

If you like music with some big city grit and grime that pushes rocksteady and reggae with new technologies you'll definitley enjoy this album. It was a bit of a grower for me but I'm hooked.

For more info check www.myspace.com/1592dub

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