The Cabrians "For A Few Pussies More"
Redstar 73 Records/Liquidator Music 2007The Cabrians are quite a new wonderful group from Mataro, Spain. The album has been released on two labels-- Redstar 73 and Liquidator Music. Both great labels that are creating and supporting the thriving reggae scene in Spain. This album embraces wild western themes with upbeat ska, skinhead reggae, and rocksteady all thrown into the mix. Most of the songs seem to be appropriately themed drinking ("Drunkard's Pride"), violence ("Bang Bang Shot"), and sex ("Pussy Juice" or "Cackie Cackie Monster"). If you are looking for sophisticated pc reggae the album "For A Few Pussies More" should be fare warning enough. The album is sprinkled with sound effects and intros that pull from westerns and early reggae DJ's that boasted of their badness, bravado, and sexuality (King Stitt, Crystalites, Lee Perry, etc.).
The instrumentals are very precise and creative "Maximilians Mallote Shoots First" is complete boss reggae driven by the organ but the powerful rhythm keeps the song shaking and grooving. "Pep Meets the Prophet" is a driving ska instrumental mostly horn driven that very well could be a b-side from the Skatalites. "Petaca Rodrigues Law" gives respect to the trombone man Rico Rodriquez pure "Bullet" style. The album contains so much different types of music and they pull it all off. This album has no weak points.
The vocals on this album are shared so each singer has a different style. Ruben Lopez Warrior guests on a "A Few Pussies More" and his toasting pays homage to the foundation DJ's like Dennis Alcapone and Scotty (and maybe some Rocker T). "No More Politicians Alive" features Cabra singing this quirky ska number. "Fuck and Fight In Britian" is one of my favorite tunes on the album with a calypso/soca type beat Lthe band shows their versatility. "Fanny Melinda" is a rocksteady love song which the band smoothly transitions into without missing a beat. "Whiskey A Gogo" is early r&b ska swing style which has the bluebeat style down to a "T". "Babareggae" is more Upsetters/Hippy Boys skinhead reggae style with a heavy guitar carrying a sweet melody line on top of vocals and heavy guiro action keeps the song tough throughout.The Cabrians do what they do and they do it well. Of course classics like "Pig Dick" don't come as often as this band effortlessly conquers numerous styles without breaking a sweat. This album is one of the best I've heard all year with 20 tracks to boot. This album will not disappoint anyone from the first listen to the constant continual listens. Quality reggae from Spain pick this up ASAP
-Bobby Babylon
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